
Final Evaluation of the project on “Enhancing the Participation of Regional CSOs in Policy Dialogue on Social Inclusion in Georgia“

Project Client / Donor 
  • People in Need
  • Europe
  • Civil Society & NGO Development
Project Duration
03.2018 - 05.2018
  • Georgia
  • Evaluation

The evaluation aimed to provide assessment of achievement of project objectives, make judgment on how intended or unintended, positive or negative changes came about; levels of attribution and participation of the target groups. Evaluation was conducted according OECD/DAC criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact.  Based on the evaluation results DEPA Consulting developed lessons and recommendations in order to enhance project impact on target group.

The evaluation objectives were:

  • To provide assessment of achievement of project objectives;
  • To make judgment on how intended or unintended, positive or negative changes are;
  • To calculate and compare the costs and benefits of a project;
  • To provide lessons learnt and recommendations that will assist implementing partners and other stakeholders to enhance the impact of their future interventions.


  • Georgia
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