
Final Evaluation – Leave no-one behind (LNOB) groups and women’s perceptions of, and participation in, business and economic-related decision making

Project Client / Donor 
  • Swisscontact
  • Europe
  • SME Development
Project Duration
11.2024 - 12.2025
  • Georgia
  • Final Evaluation

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) financed Rural Small and Medium Enterprises Development Project (RSMEDP) uses a market systems development approach to increase rural income and employment through sustained access to finance for rural SMEs. The project is implemented by a consortium led by the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation (Swisscontact), Mercy Corps, and the Springfield Centre for business in development. The RSMEDP seeks to enable rural SMEs to grow or become more resilient

through better access to finance and business support services. The overall goal is to increase employment and income opportunities for rural men and women, contributing to the reduction of poverty and inequalities, including gender inequality.

The primary objectives are to: Define the impact in relation to what influence the growth/ resilience of enterprises had on women and LNOBs as a result of project interventions – and especially influence on business and economic related decisions made by women and mapped and assessed with representative data; Compare the impact to the baseline data and define change in perceptions of women through the course of the project –defining and understanding in depth the resilience of SMEs and how it is influencing LNOB groups especially women.

The assignment includes desk review of selected project related documents (new since the previous survey) to explore and deepen understanding on project and its progress, including the perception survey from 2022, possible surveys conducted in Georgia on relevant topics, development of a survey plan, tools and instruments, sampling framework and field work planning, conducting the data collec-tion, and reporting. The final report will provide analysis of change in perceptions of GESI and LNOB beneficiaries of RSMED Project by comparing new survey results to the one from 2022 year.

  • Georgia
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