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To evaluate the structure of the connection between private households and busine...

Assessment of Timber Forest Products (TFP) Value Chains in Georgia

As a result of the forest sector reform, the relationship between businesses and private households regarding the forest has fundamentally changed. This change particularly affects those households and businesses that derive income from the extraction and use of Timber forest products (TFP)

To evaluate the structure of the connection between private households and businesses with the forest and to determine the impact of the forest sector reform on the incomes and general economic situation of these entities, Depa Consulting has prepared a report on the value chain assessment of Timber forest products (TFP)

During the research stage, in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from the non-governmental sector and various state agencies. Additionally, the main actors involved in the value chain of Timber forest products (TFP) including enterprises and trade facilities, were interviewed using the semi-structured interview method.

The project "Enabling the Implementation of Georgia's Forest Sector Reform - ECO.Georgiaā€¯ is being implemented by GIZ and the Government of Georgia from 2021 to 2028. The activities of the project aim to promote the reform of the forest sector in Georgia.

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