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DEPA Consulting conducted a series of trainings

During the last three months, DEPA Consulting conducted a series of trainings for local non-governmental and community organizations on various topics: Models of citizen engagement, Data collection and analysis, Organizational and program management, Social entrepreneurship, Advocacy.

The main goal of this activity is to strengthen regional organizations. In total, 10 trainings are planned for 150 community organizations in 10 municipalities of Georgia (Gori, Kareli, Mtskheta, Tetritskaro, Zugdidi, Chkhorotskui, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Ambrolauri, and Gali).

The training participants have the opportunity to gain information about institutional strengthening and the necessary management mechanisms. The series of trainings, which will last until the end of 2024, cover the following topics: Monitoring and evaluation, Active communication, Social media, Fundraising Strategy, Human rights and social welfare

The trainings are being conducted in the framework of the project "Building the Inclusion of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities in Georgia", which is a collaborative effort involving the Charitable Humanitarian Center - "Abkhazeti" (CHCA), Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Georgia (ASB Georgia), and the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC), with support from the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).

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