Presentation of studies on Sustainable Mountain Tourism, Organic Agriculture and Environmental Impact
On December 10, 2019, GRETA project (co-funded by the EU and the two EU member states - Sweden and Austria) presented Studies on Sustainable Mountain Tourism, Organic agriculture and Environmental Impact. The following studies were presented at the presentation:
• Environmental, gender and social impact analysis, risk management and sustainability of sustainable mountain tourism and organic agriculture (GRETA) project
• Market potential and feasibility study for Organic Agriculture
• Baseline and market feasibility study for Sustainable Mountain Tourism
The latter document was prepared on the basis of the cooperation of the Georgian Ecotourism Association and DEPA Consulting. The study aimed to identify attitudes of the people involved in the tourism sector regarding the issues of mountain tourism.

GRETA, a four-year project of Sustainable Mountain Tourism & Organic Agriculture, focuses on the support of Georgian small and medium enterprises to professionalize and scale up. The action will also facilitate an improvement of the business environment and the creation of new income opportunities in the two growth sectors mountain tourism and organic agriculture. The 6.8 Mio. € project is co-funded by the EU and the two EU member states Sweden and Austria.