
Impact Evaluation of “Cash Transfers and Psychosocial Support to the Displaced Population from Nargorno-Karabakh”

Project Client / Donor 
  • Arbieter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Armenia
  • Europe
  • Humanitarian Assistance
Project Duration
09.2024 - 11.2024
  • Armenia
  • Impact Evaluation

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Armenia, under direct supervision of the ASB Georgia office together with partner organizations, Mission Armenia (MA) and ACF Armenia implemented a humanitarian aid project, "Cash Transfers and Psychosocial Support to the Displaced Population from Nagorno-Karabakh" in Armenia.

The project aims to strengthen the resilience of conflict-affected people from Nagorno-Karabakh through provision of financial and psychosocial support. The project is implemented with the collaboration of the local partners - Mission Armenia (MA) and ACF Armenia. Project intervention includes two main directions

The purpose of this impact evaluation is to use OECD/DAC Evaluation Criteria determine the extent to which the project has met the stated objectives and results, the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of project operations, the sustainability and impact of the project results; As well as to identify key lessons and propose practical recommendations.

  • Armenia
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