
Creating a business model for the organization’s work processes to support the digital transformation of the IDPs, Eco-Migrants, and Livelihood Agency

Project Client / Donor 
  • DRC – Danish Refugee Council – Georgia
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • Regional and Municipal development
  • Vulnerable Population
Project Duration
06.2021 - 09.2021
  • Georgia
  • Management Consulting

The goal of business process modelling was to create a document, which would be the basis for creating the software system. In order to prepare a business process model, key business processes and related sub-processes were studied in details using the desk review (review of existing databases within the Agency and interviews with relevant staff. Based on collected information and review of existing business processed, the team of experts conducted the gap analysis, prepared the recommendations for business process optimization and created a business model of the work process for digital transformation;

In addition, DEPA Consulting reviewed the Agency’s approach of assessment system for providing housing to IDP families and developed/proposed a new method (based on Analytic Hierarchy Process by Thomas Saaty) for improving the assessment/rating system of IDP families.

  • Georgia
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