
New and Niche Dairy Products Potential Development Study

Project Client / Donor 
  • Land O'Lakes Venture37
  • Europe
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Business Development / Entrepreneurship / Tourism
Project Duration
12.2021 - 06.2022
  • Georgia
  • Management Consulting; Research

Food for Progress Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock (SQIL) project aims to improve food safety and quality along Georgia’s dairy and beef value chains through reducing the losses, improving food safety and quality, and boosting competitiveness, productivity and trade within the Georgian dairy and beef market systems.

The main purpose of the study was to reveal the demand of (hotel/restaurant/café) HoReCa and retail sector on the niche dairy products that are sold in Georgia, to assess HoReCa and retail customers current demand on imported dairy products in order to reveal the most demanded types of cheese products and understand market readiness to replace imported cheese niche products by locally produced same type ones. Besides, the study identified general customers who consume dairy niche products and revealed potential of the market expansion in this direction. Finally, DEPA Consulting analysed what cheese types have been actively imported to Georgia for the past 5 years, analyzed the potential for potential pricing approaches, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and relevant business models. The study utilized a variety of methods, encompassing the desk research, key informant interviews, focus-group discussions and quantitative survey.

  • Georgia
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