
Gender Impact Assessment for Ukraine Programmatic Portfolio

Project Client / Donor 
  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
  • Europe
  • Gender
  • Vulnerable Populations
Project Duration
01.2023 - 04.2024
  • Ukraine
  • Evaluation and Assessment

Since March 2022 Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA Deutschland e.V.), together with its local partners, the ADRA offices in Ukraine and Moldova, is implementing a cross-sector, life-saving humanitarian aid project financed mainly by the GFFO. The interventions of the project provide the IDPs and left-behind affected persons in Ukraine and refugees in neighbouring countries with the following types of support: 1) survival packages (food and non-food items, in kind or cash); 2) protection, psychosocial support and legal counselling; 3) safe shelter components.

The purpose of the gender impact assessment for Ukraine is to conduct risk analysis, stakeholder analysis, and gender equality plans together with the gender, age and disability (GAD) marker. The assessment applies desk review and qualitative research method (key informant interviews and Focus Group Discussions) with project target groups.

Based on the main findings on topics, the report provides predictions of impact, evaluation of impact and mitigation measures for empowering gender equality. These recommendations include but not be limited to the following:

➢ Positive and negative impacts based on program activities and components.

➢ Evaluation of potential Impacts according to their significance.

➢ All adverse impacts (Negative Impacts) and mitigation measures/procedure to minimize negative impacts in the Gender Equality Plan together with Gender Marker Tool.

➢ How to incorporate gender and inclusion sensitivity at each level: project design, implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.

➢ Practical steps and actions on how to achieve GG-1 and GG-2 markers.

➢ Designing and inclusion of gender-sensitive, gender-transformative and inclusive activities

➢ Proposing the set of gender equality indicators in project outputs, outcomes and impacts.

➢ Designing the community-feedback and grievance mechanisms to be inclusive.

  • Ukraine
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