The overall goal of the assessment is to investigate intervention target groups such as Rural Small and Medium Enterprises (RSME) from Leave No One Behind groups- ethnic minorities and socially vulnerable groups, on their benefits from the project intervention, project influence on income of reached and Smallholder famers as well as changes in employment opportunities at target/reached RSMEs.
The assessment has two main objectives:
- Objective 1: Relevant in-depth gender and LNOB disaggregated baseline data against project two intervention indicators is gathered to enable impact on the SMEs grant application quality with investigation of influence/changes in trends of grant approval and baseline analysis of access of RSME to state funding.
- Objective 2: Create clear evidence based/representative picture on intervention’s influence and impact on RSME operation, their changes in growth/ resilience and possible influence on employment and income. What are the benefits and how they are translated to which groups (esp. for women and SVGs in relation to LNOB/ non-LNOB groups).