
Inclusive Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture Gender Responsive and Social Inclusion Situation Analysis Baseline Assessment Study Inclusive Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture

Project Client / Donor 
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • Europe
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
Project Duration
09.2024 - 12.2024
  • Georgia
  • Baseline Assessment, Gender and Social Analysis

The project “Inclusive Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture’’ is implementing agriculture and rural development activities in the two target municipalities, Martvili (Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region) and Kaspi (Shida Kartli Region).

The overarching goal of the project is to foster increased competitiveness within the agricultural sector, enhance food production, and concurrently alleviate rural poverty, with a specific emphasis on mitigating inequality. Within the above-mentioned two selected target municipalities the project aims that communities with the similar economic interest, social interest and composition as well as similar historic background and natural conditions will form one group of communities and will prepare on Community Development Action Plan (CDAP). The CDAPs will define the main priorities and directions of agricultural and rural development in the communities, including priority areas of support, investment needs as well as other interventions, such as training needs.

The gender-responsive and socially inclusive situation analysis (baseline assessment study) of the two selected municipalities have twofold objectives: a). The first objective is to provide necessary qualitative and quantitative data for analyses on technical evidence of the status quo at project start (Baseline indicator) in order to support measurement of the progress over the project duration and provision of necessary data required for the project activities. b). The second objective is to provide an analysis of the agricultural and rural development sector, including main value chains and related communities, active producers’ groups and other formal/informal groups (cooperatives, networks, associations, etc.), including youth and women groups availability and quality of the extension services, post-harvest infrastructure, including processing and marketing infrastructure.

  • Georgia
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