
Final Evaluation of the project “Introducing EU Phytosanitary Standards in Georgia”

Project Client / Donor 
  • People in Need
  • Europe
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Civil Society & NGO Development
Project Duration
01.2019 - 03.2019
  • Georgia
  • Evaluation and Assessment

Final evaluation of the project aimed to assess the project achievements against its overall objective - to ensure Georgian larger-scale commercial producers of plants and plant products are able to comply with new major PS requirements. Particularly, final evaluation targeted at assessment of 4 desired outcomes of the project:

  • Outcome 1: Increased capacity of staff of the Information and Consulting Centers (ICCs) to spread information on PS reform in their duty areas;
  • Outcome 2: Increased capacity of staff of Farm Service Centers (FSCs) to spread information on PS reform in their coverage areas;
  • Outcome 3: Increased awareness of CSOs and LAGs on PS reform;
  • Outcome 4: Farmers informed through trainer visits, SMS and practical instruction videos.

Evaluation applied mixed method approach including the desk research, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and secondary data analysis of the quantitative survey database.

  • Georgia
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