
Final External Evaluation for a project: “Resilient Agriculture – PRAISE Marneuli”

Project Client / Donor 
  • CENN Caucasus
  • Europe
  • Rural Development; Green Agriculture
Project Duration
05.2024 - 08.2024
  • Georgia
  • Evaluation

The overall objective of the HEKS-EPER funded project (2021 – 2024) - Promoting Climate Resilient Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods in Multi-ethnic Marneuli Municipality (PRAISE MARNEULI) is to support income generation opportunities and sustainable economic growth in favour of the vulnerable population in Marneuli Municipality via inclusion, capacity building and introduction of climate resilient agricultural (CRA) practices. The project’s work and activities focus on supporting income generation opportunities for residents in Marneuli municipality, specifically vulnerable groups (women, youth, and ethnic minorities) via the integration and promotion of climate resilient and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

The evaluation possessed both summative and formative characteristics. It assessed the project’s accountability by analyzing intended and unintended results across output, outcome, and goal levels. At the same time, the evaluation aimed to facilitate learning, supporting enhancements to future interventions and informing the planning of the project's next phase. The project was evaluated based on OECD/DAC criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.

  • Georgia
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