The main objective of RSMEDP project is bringing the tangible benefits to rural men and women as well as resilience of SMEs. To define what these tangible benefits are, a Results Measurement Framework has been prepared based on qualitative data collection and analysis.
The objectives of the assignment are to obtain relevant in-depth baseline data against project gender and LNOB indicators is gathered to enable performance to be measured over the course of the project - including perception of women on their influence on business and economic-related decision making and further define and understand in depth the resilience of SMEs and how it could be influencing LNOB groups especially women, and analyse the impact logic in relation to what influence the growth/ resilience of enterprises will have on women and LNOBs as a result of project interventions is validated – and the benefits that translate to which groups (esp. for women in relation to LNOB/ non-LNOB groups) and mapped and baseline with representative data.
Methods used: desk research, focus group discussions and quantitative survey.