
Baseline Evaluation for the project: “Supporting Poverty Alleviation in Georgia through Ultra Poor Graduation”

Project Client / Donor 
  • World Vision
  • Europe
  • Vulnerable Populations; Social services
Project Duration
01.2024 - 04.2024
  • Georgia
  • Evaluation and Assessment

SIDA-financed program “Supporting Poverty Alleviation in Georgia through Ultra Poor Graduation” is implemented by World Vision Georgia Foundation (WVGF), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), in partnership with LEPL Social Service Agency.

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to reducing poverty and increase the resilience of ultra-poor households in 5 regions of Georgia and the incorporation of ultra-poor graduation (UPG) principles and measures into national and subnational poverty reduction programs/schemes in support of the poverty reduction efforts of the GoG. Ultra-Poor Graduation is a leading evidence-based approach of World Vision and DRC work worldwide that contributes to organizational commitment to reduce child vulnerability among the poorest communities. The approach has a strong gender-transformative power due to its focus on gender-transformative interventions.

The project is implemented in urban and rural areas with a range of vulnerable groups following a Human Rights Based approach.

The evaluation aims to conduct baseline assessment of the project indicators for the impact, outcome and particular output levels. The main objective of the evaluation is to assess the situation before the implementation of the intervention. Baseline assessment is based in desk review (including quantitative data analysis) and qualitative research methods.

  • Georgia
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