
Final Evaluation of the project “Sustainable Development of Communities in Aragvi”

Project Client / Donor 
  • People in Need
  • Europe
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Business Development / Entrepreneurship / Tourism
Project Duration
09.2023 - 12.2023
  • Georgia
  • Evaluation and Assessment

The Project was funded by Czech Development Agency, Austrian Development Agency and implemented by People in Need (PIN) Czech non-governmental organization. The project was designed as a part of a larger 5-year program of sustainable development within the area of the Aragvi Protected Landscape and its communities. The main aim of this project was to improve the socio-economic situation of the communities living in the APL either permanently or seasonally, as well as to attract those who are affiliated with the target area to become more actively involved there.

Main purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the quality of implementation, the immediate impact, and its perspectives for sustainability, as well as provide recommendations for similar LEADER projects that are implemented currently or will possibly be implemented in the near future by PIN Georgia. Objectives of the final evaluation is to evaluate the achievement and sustainability of the outputs/outcomes and impact of the project against its objectives, identify problems and constraints that have been encountered and to identify the lessons learned and draw recommendations for future similar kinds of project implementation. The final evaluation applies the desk review, qualitative research (key informant interviews and focus group Discussions), and on-site observations and assessed the project according to the OECD/DAC criteria of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficacy, Impact, Sustainability, Coherence and Cross-cutting issues.

  • Georgia
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