The overall objective of the project was to contribute to more peaceful, inclusive, cohesive, and equal societies in Georgia by increasing the voice of female and male youth (age 14-29) in community-level and national decision-making processes in peacebuilding.
The purpose and objective of the Gender and Conflict Analysis were three‐fold:
1. To identify the various gender-specific barriers, opportunities, gaps, and needs concerning male and female youth more meaningful participation in peacebuilding. This will involve exploring the following lines of inquiry: sexual/gendered division of labor, household decision making, etc.
2. Develop Conflict Profiles of the targeted communities and identify the local capacity for peace with a specific focus on existing systems and mechanisms for conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
3. Provide recommendations to advance project strategies on gender and conflict transformative approaches.
Methods used: desk research, key informant interviews and focus group discussions.